Trump wants to be a Florida resident instead of a New York one. The Washington Post reports: “But despite paying ‘millions of dollars in city, state and local taxes each year,’ he complained, he had been ‘treated very badly by the political leaders of both the city and state.’”
In essence, Trump is saying that because he pays millions in taxes, he should be treated well.
Instead of fairly.
Let’s leave aside whether he actually pays millions (this is disputed) and the clear implication that Trump sees his taxes as some kind of bribe or tip, designed to get better service.
Trump DOES get treated better, because he was born wealthy. He had advantages and chances the rest of us didn’t.
When the rest of us go bankrupt, we can’t claim it was because we’re smart. We have to pay our bills. And a single bankruptcy ruins our credit. Simply because he’s Trump, he gets to keep borrowing and borrowing, despite four bankruptcies.
When the rest of us commit crimes, we get arrested. In many cases, we can’t afford good defenses or to post bail. We appear in handcuffs. Rich people have to really fuck up to be arrested. Most of the time, they get to turn themselves in, they are released without bail, and they get to turn up with their high priced lawyers, all wearing lovely suits.
Because we have lower income, our high tax burden affects us more. And even Trump’s beloved Fox reports that low income people are more likely to be audited.
Please stop bitching about how badly you’re being treated, Mr. Trump. You literally don’t know how good you have it.
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