A few things.
1. My new matchflick column is out: http://www.matchflick.com/column/1862 I order you to see 11 fabulous performance (stand-up) films.
2. Obama is doing well so far. I think his interview with the Arab channel went well, even though the networks here seemed jealous. Thrilled that Guantanamo is closing. I’ve never understood how we still have that place (or why Cheney thinks it’s not under U.S. dominion when it totally is). Finally, Obama has rescinded the global gag rule. For those who don’t know, the gag rule keeps us from giving aid (including by paying part of our U.N. dues) to any health agency that might mention abortion. I understand people’s feelings about abortion, but refusing to give aid is, to use a cliche, throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It doesn’t assure that any one abortion will be stopped, but it does insure that those children who are born will get less aid, less medication, etc. And yes, you might not like your tax dollars going to a humanitarian organization that might use the “a” word, but I pay taxes for shit that you like and I think is offensive and abysmal.
3. John Updike died yesterday. I haven’t read as much of his work as I should, so I don’t have any brilliant analysis to give you here, but we’ll miss him.
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