News this week

Misc–karmic mistakes?

A few things. 

1. My new matchflick column is out:  I order you to see 11 fabulous performance (stand-up) films.

2. Obama is doing well so far.  I think his interview with the Arab channel went well, even though the networks here seemed jealous.  Thrilled that Guantanamo is closing.  I’ve never understood how we still have that place (or why Cheney thinks it’s not under U.S. dominion when it totally is).  Finally, Obama has rescinded the global gag rule.  For those who don’t know, the gag rule keeps us from giving aid (including by paying part of our U.N. dues) to any health agency that might mention abortion.  I understand people’s feelings about abortion, but refusing to give aid is, to use a cliche, throwing the baby out with the bathwater.  It doesn’t assure that any one abortion will be stopped, but it does insure that those children who are born will get less aid, less medication, etc.  And yes, you might not like your tax dollars going to a humanitarian organization that might use the “a” word, but I pay taxes for shit that you like and I think is offensive and abysmal.

3.  John Updike died yesterday.  I haven’t read as much of his work as I should, so I don’t have any brilliant analysis to give you here, but we’ll miss him.


Lisa the Drama Queen

Misc–karmic mistakes?

Lisa & JulietDespite what comic book guy (aka Jeff Anderson) says, this Sunday’s couch gag was one of the best. If that box isn’t for sale already, it should be.

The main plot of this episode: Lisa gets a best friend. It’s sad from the beginning–we know it won’t last; this is a sitcom. Still, the story is sweet and funny.

The best bits: Lisa’s friend, Juliet, has an “academic” father who’s obsessed with his research subject: John Grisham.

Lisa and Juliet (who have a star-crossed love) are obsessed with Josh Groban. (I’m not saying their love is gay–it’s just homosocial, the way young girls’ friendships are.)

Homer nonchalantly drinks out of a coffee mug clearly labelled “NED.”

The girls write a book–a fantasy utopia. Feminist utopias are actually a subgenre of their own.

We learn that Groundskeeper Willie was Dr. William MacDougal before he went through Ellis Island.

Apparently, they make a cream just for peaches.  I wonder if there’s one just for strawberries in Springfield.

Apparently, Lisa and Juliet are the two brightest writers this side of the Iowa Writer’s Workshop (said workshop is thrilled to have been mentioned).

Finally, as Homer says, “Writing is hard.”

(By the way, I don’t see what was so awesome about the Fall Out Boy credit song.  It’s not that different from Greenday’s.)


A Proper Blog

Misc–karmic mistakes?, Simpsonology

By popular demand (see Courtney, you’re popular!), my blog is here at last.

We’ll see whose reading and see how it goes. I do respond to peer pressure, so comment often! (Just don’t try to get me to smoke.)

It occurs to me that this slightly more public site (more public than facebook and myspace) may get new faces, so maybe we should have a glossary.

“at school/work”–I teach writing and literature at a university.

“Du”–my best friend & co-author

“the book”–current writing project by famous Simpsonologists, Du & Dr. Karma

“Ken”–due to Ken’s work putting this site together, I won’t call him btp (boyfriend-type-person) here. (He probably doesn’t like that name because he wants to be htp.)

“the boy”–my teenager

“book club”–my weekly group of book lovers and friends. Formally, we are the Margaret Atwood Book Club of Davis (as made famous in the credits of the film, Julie, Julie), though we read other authors, too.

“Isis,” “Osiris,” “Mahahes”–the cats

“The Monkey”–the monkey

 Simpsons me
