I talked to my boss about giving me the news in short form, before our meeting on Tuesday (in which we will discuss my future and the findings of the faculty committee–I’m hoping this is going to have a positive tone, as have been working my ass off and get amazing teaching reviews and am on several committees–but might this not be enough?–perhaps not, which is the psychological belief that feeds my workaholism and anxiety).
That was a really long parenthetical remark.
Anyway: I am only guaranteed 4 classes next year, as opposed to the 7 that constitutes a full load for a lecturer.
(Another long digression: professors only have 4 classes as their full load, on the understanding that they do research and serve on committees and publish books–let’s leave aside the fact that I do all that.)
So, my University load is decreased 3/7ths, which is going to adversely affect my income. I’m not sure at this point how I’m going to supplement it, especially since I’ve been supplementing with a part-time job all along already. Ken says we can cut things–violin lessons, cable, but that’s not 3/7th by any means. I can’t even say I’m going to cut out books, because I’ve been using my research account (I get money in a research account when I teach freshman seminars in lieu of pay) to fund books, home-office supplies, and applicable conference expenses).
Speaking of which, I’m concerned that this cut will affect my ability to teach freshman seminars, to apply to teach summer abroad, etc.
The good news: the rain has cleaned my filthy car and I have a job for next year. I am loathe to complain, as things could be much worse. And I have to say that news, even moderately bad, is better than none.
So, here’s moderately happy Karma:
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