
Misc–karmic mistakes?

The Matthew Shepard Act has passed. I’m of two minds about it. On the one hand, I want protection for those people who are attacked because of hate. On the other, it’s weird to persecute people because of the thoughts they had when hurting someone.

Of course, if we could count on people and police to protect people who were being attacked because of their nationality, race, sexuality, etc., we could all rest a bit better, but in too many places, people turn away from what their society and beliefs make abject.

At least all those senators who said the Matthew Shepard story was a “hoax” and who indicated that all homosexuals are pedophiles were voted down. In fact, can’t we get them for hate speech now?

In other news, I saw a new edition of ORYX AND CRAKE that indicated that it was the first in the MADADAM TRILOGY. So I guess we’re about to get something new going on in AFTER THE FLOOD, which comes out in September. Margaret Atwood fans, get ready!

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Favorite Line of the Day:

Misc–karmic mistakes?

My dear friend David, after being incommunicado for quite some time:

You’re more important to me than my behavior indicates.

I just love that. I want to preemptively say that to everyone I know or will ever know.

Especially those whom I know during difficult times. Of course, you can always try Ken’s approach to dealing with me. I tell him what I’m worried about. “Would you like a glass of wine?” It’s about two in the afternoon and I’m working. “Would you like a beer?”


I never . . .

Misc–karmic mistakes?

I’ve been behind on my blogging–all of my writing energy is going into the book (as of this week, finally).

So let’s play I never . . .

I have never enjoyed snow.

I have never read anything by Agatha Cristie.

I have never eaten veal.

I have never enjoyed shoe shopping.

I have never been Governor of Alaska and then left the post my constituents trusted me to because I didn’t want to be a lame duck, all the while wanting to be President, even though that’s a job where I would be a lame duck at the end.

And now, the flipside:

I have given a lightsaber as a birthday present to an adult.

I have been in every open to the public room of the British Museum.

I have smiled every time I see a Finnish flag sticket on a car.

I have enough unread books in my house to keep me reading for a while, but I keep buying more.

I have actually disliked relatively few students, but oh, those few.


New Column!

Misc–karmic mistakes?

The new column is up! Read all about radical movie adaptations of the classics (these aren’t your mother’s adaptations!)


random thoughts

Misc–karmic mistakes?

1. Denise and I should be at least bi-sexual. Too bad we can’t choose that lifestyle.
2. I don’t like it when radio stations play songs that don’t match the day/time. So Manic Monday should only be played on Monday. And Friday I’m in Love should only be on Fridays. And In the Air Tonight shouldn’t be played in the morning. Yes, it’s anal of me–too bad.
3. There is not much good on television right now. Thank god for Netflix and the fact that I have to clean off two DVRs.
4. I was surprised at how surprised I was that this week’s Republican sex scandal was heterosexual. What does that say about the “Moral Majority”?
5. Things I am thankful for: friends, pie, hum 13 going forward, air conditioning, health insurance, beautiful northern california skies

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Summer Break–woohoo?

Misc–karmic mistakes?

Well, it’s midway through my “week off” before summer session starts.  Funny how I’m working so much.  There are classes to plan and writing to put off . . .

Being a workaholic makes time off problematic, especially when you have the kind of job that means you can work all the time.

I did take a few hours off last night to watch Season 1 of Frisky Dingo.  Thanks, DJ, for the recommendation.  I have never loved a villain more!  I have also added Waiting for God, a British Sitcom recommended by Jenni to my Netflix list.

Cool things, though:  I have three Simpsons interns for the summer, so maybe some factchecking and website building will get done.  Woohoo!  I’ve never been a boss before (I know, being a teacher is very much like being a boss, but there is a difference between students and interns).

My grandparents are celebrating their 58th anniversary today.

I’m going to take at least a day off to attempt to show a friend around Oakland and Berkeley.  It would be better if I knew where things were, but we’ll manage.

And then classes begin.  Will my Humanities class begin?  That’s still up in the air.

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Misc–karmic mistakes?, Movies & Television & Theatre, Words, words, words

As many of you know, my most common form of artistic expression is making lists.  Usually these free-form poems take the form of “to do” and “groceries,” but occasionally, something with more substance emerges.  For example, my book group is currently making a list of books we know we should have read, but haven’t.  We’ve also asked one of our members to compile a list of must-read graphic novels.

As it’s summer, I’m sure we’re all thinking about expanding our reading, our viewing, our cooking . . . something about summer makes us want new things.  So I want to make some lists, but I need your help.  Help me expand the following lists & help me think of new lists.

Shows you’re probably not watching, but should be (netflix them):

1.  Whitest Kids U’ Know–it’s the next generation of sketch comedy (currently on IFC)

2.  Breaking Bad–the dad from Malcolm in the Middle finds out he has cancer.  To provide for his family, he uses his chemistry teacher powers to make meth (currently on AMC).

3.  Slings and Arrows–this series ran for three seasons.  It’s a Canadian show about a repertory theatre troupe.  Their productions mirror the comic drama of their lives.  Very funny.  Mark McKinney, of The Kids in the Hall, is a writer, creator, and star.


Websites you should be checking out:

1.  This is the companion site to Mental Floss magazine, which I love.  It feeds all of my trivia needs, but with a wonderful dry humor.  The website not only features articles from the magazine, but also great work by bloggers–they have links to other cool pages, quizzes, and daily trivia articles on awesome topics (best libraries, strange but true ways of death, etc.)

2.  This amazing satire site now has video reports.  The satire is so good that some people think the news is real.  For example, years ago, they reported on the annual “gay agenda convention,” which made fun of the idea that there is a gay conspiracy/agenda.  Several preachers sent the article to their congregations, citing it as evidence of said gay agenda.

While you’re perusing The Onion, don’t forget to go to the AV Club, which features media reviews, interviews, and Dan Savage’s sex column.

3.  Each day, they feature a different astronomy picture.  Discover the cosmos!


Nonfiction authors you should be reading:

1.  Sarah Vowell–she’s a favorite of NPR and Jon Stewart.  Her writing is clever & good for you history buffs.

2.  Mary Roach–she’s a science reporter with three great books.  Want to know how cadavers are used for research & health?  Want to know how people investigate the afterlife from a scientific point of view?  Want to know what sex researchers are up to in their labs?  Yes, you do.

3.  Terry Jones–yes, the Terry Jones of Monty Python, who got his degree in medieval studies.  Check out his editorials for The Guardian & his amazing Medieval Lives, where you can learn about the actual lives of knights, minstrels, and damsels.


Okay, I have to get back to grading.  Add to the list and to the list of lists!
