17 classes taught
1 rear-ending while in Vanessa’s car by Vanessa’s student, who later became my student (Davis is small)
2 trips to LA with Denise to visit the wonderful people at The Simpsons, where we got to tour the animation building, watch them record the music, and watch them record the voices.
1 amazing day watching Alexander’s robotics team (of which he was President) win the regionals, so they could go on to the International FIRST competition
1 conference in London, where I got to see Liam and Courtney and Chaz, to meet Carmen, who has offered to marry me when I get serious about moving to England, and to present on Octavia Butler
1 magical conference in Alcala, Spain, the birthplace of Catherine of Aragon and Cervantes, where the University was founded in 1499, and where I spoke on Buffy comics and found Duff Beer!
1 endoscopy, 1 MRI, 2 neurologists, 2 ER visits, 5 allergy shots every other week
1 summer of dead electronics: 2 computers, 1 DVD player, 1 phone, 1 car, 1 watch
1 day at WonderCon with April and Alexander (with 1 meeting of Berkeley Breathed)
2 students who said I kept them from dropping out; 3 students who said I saved their lives
2 plays at The California Shakespeare Festival
1 viewing of John Leguizamo’s amazing new show
2 cats (Osiris and Mahahes) after Isis ran away
1 wine-tasting afternoon with Rae
1 taking over the editorship of Prized Writing
1 Tim Burton exhibit
1 trip to Ashland to see 4 amazing plays with Dan
1 getting to hug Scott Thompson after seeing him with Kevin McDonald
2 trips into San Francisco, to see Stuffed and Unstrung and Richard III with Kevin Spacey
1 Driving Miss Daisy with Vanessa Redgrave and James Earl Jones
2 Grandparents who renewed their vows
1 giant (several pounds) application for a three-year contract at Davis
2 visits to Davis by Zach Weiner, author of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal
1 replacing Mindy (temporarily) as friend to Vickie (due to computer literacy)
3 websites that regularly feature my writing, though I’ve just quit one: www.dr-karma.com; www.matchflick.com; www.examiner.com
2 Christmas trees (one taken down in time for Martin Luther King Jr Day; one put up the Saturday after Thanksgiving)
1 month of time travel dreams induced by the writing of a soon to be published paper on Time Travel in Star Trek
1 surprise party thrown for me on Father’s Day by my friends who wanted to celebrate the successful parenting of my beloved child (and yes, I was surprised)
40-something weeks of book group (which has been running about 8 years)
4 movies at the French Film Festival
1 Doctor Who Experience!
4 university committees & 3 journals served on
12 months of teaching, with nary a break
52 weeks of great friends, new and old recipes, and wonderful reads
1 completed child, turned 18 and sent to college
1 2011 list completed, to be sent to you with my love, Karma
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