A little xmas frustration

Chronic Pain

I finally got my grading done on Friday. Saturday, I did a lot of cooking and cleaning, and yesterday, I took my beloved to a play in SF.

I couldn’t get to sleep last night, though, because my brain kept telling me everything I needed to do over break: mostly the usual (prepping for my Winter courses, editing the Atwood journal). I also have to do a lot of prep for my new Oxford summer course.

After not getting enough sleep, I got up and went straight to the computer and got to work. I was only an hour in, though, before my back seized up.

To add insult to injury, it was the second time in the last month that I’ve humiliatingly had it freak out when I was getting off the toilet.

So now I’m trying to at least send out some emails, heavily-medicated emails.

I’m also trying to enforce my rule that I’m not even allowed to do that if Snowball wants on my lap.

Despite everything, I’m trying to be grateful. I already had a chiropractor appointment scheduled for later this afternoon, and Jeff can take me to it. My fridge is stocked with lots of lovely things I cooked on Saturday. There are homemade cookies, and my tree, whose name is Matilda, is beautiful.

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