I am unable to hear Henry Kissinger’s name without picturing him as depicted on The Simpsons, having dropped his glasses into the toilet at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant.
Monty’s Python’s song about him gets stuck in my head too:
If my brain has to keep doing this right now, at least it’s because he’s dead.
Thanks for sharing that Kissinger had been featured on The Simpsons and immortalized in the Pythons’ lyrics. I had no idea.
A minor but recurring Mary Poppins-esque character named Dr. Henry Killinger appears in a cartoon I used to watch. His main job seems to be helping super villains be the happiest, healthiest versions of their super villain selves. I love the helpful advice that Killinger provides such as “Compromise, my friend, is the essence of diplomacy, and diplomacy is the cornerstone of love.” Killinger’s outlook seem rather unlike Kissinger’s.
Perhaps Kissinger’s unintended impact on art is the silver lining to the dark cloud that is his legacy.
Great comment.
I gotta google that cartoon.
And I just did.
Downloading now…