An Ode to Chris Ledesma


My beloved friend, Chris Ledesma, died in mid-December of cancer. Last night, The Simpsons honored him:

Chris started as music editor in 1987, when The Simpsons was just a series of short “bumpers” on The Tracey Ullman Show. Someone working with him said to hang on–that the little yellow family might get their own show. When they did, in 1989, no one expected it to last for more than a few seasons, because so few things did.

Chris ended up being the music editor from 1989 to November 2022.

When Denise and I published our first Simpsons book, Chris was one of the two people affiliated with the show who reached out to us, inviting us down to the studio. Over two trips, he arranged for us to have a tour of the studio, to watch Alf Clausen lead the studio musicians in recording the music for “Flaming Moe” and to watch them record the voices for “The Spy Who Learned Me.”

From the first moment, it was clear that Chris was one of the nicest men on the planet. He introduced us to everyone and gathered autographs and souvenirs for us along the way.

Denise and I have kept in touch with him and his adoring and adored wife, Michelle.

If you’ve heard my phone ring with Homer Simpson cursing my name, that’s because of Chris.

If you’ve heard the story about how the music editor recorded himself asking a question about “Who Wears Short Shorts” and spiritual enlightenment to the writers and producers and them answering, that was Chris.

It hurts that he’s gone. I’m so lucky that I just have to turn my head to the right to see his words:

For those who knew Chris and want to do something in his memory, his wife suggests a contribution to New Symphony West, a local charity supporting childhood music education.

If there’s a heaven, I know Chris is playing music with the angels now. Chris, old friend, lead them in a song about short shorts for me.

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