On the Wait List

Chronic Pain

Americans who want a single-payer option are often told horrible things about how such medical programs work around the world.

“You have to wait for procedures,” they say.

I get injections in my skull and neck to help prevent migraines. I’m supposed to get them every three months, but when I try to schedule the appointment, I can’t, because the doctor’s calendar isn’t open.

They always promise they’ll call me, but they never do. Instead, they assign me an appointment time and mail me a “reminder,” which is always the first I’m hearing about it.

Yesterday, I learned that I would have to skip the first day of UCD Spring classes if I were to keep the appointment time they chose. I called, but my doctor is booked until six weeks later. He is going to try to scold me about going almost five months between treatments.

If he wanted me to see the migraine specialist again, the wait time would be nine months.

Americans with insurance often have to wait for our care. Americans without insurance usually can’t get on a calendar at all.

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