As I mentioned in my last post, I toyed with the idea of using online dating platforms to find a playmate in Oxford.
Bachelor Number 1. This was our entire conversation:

Bachelor Number 2. This guy said he was a wine geek and invited me to his house for some, but I met him at a rooftop bar instead (I always feel safer in the UK, but not that safe). He spent the whole time insulting the view, British women, England, and Oxford. I had a glass of wine. He had nothing. He apparently never drinks wine in England unless it’s from his massive collection.
Which I am determined to never see.
Bachelor number 3. The profile picture was with a cool carved tree. When I asked about it, I got a Labyrinth reference, which was enough to set up a date. After talking about our shared geeky stuff for a while, we decided to get some dinner. We walked around the Westgate, which had quite a few options. I deliberately didn’t lobby for my favorite, even though I had just gotten a loyalty card for it.
Him: This may sound boring, but out of all of these, I want to go to Nando’s most.
Reader, I’m dating him.
*keeps fingers crossed*