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Misc–karmic mistakes?

When I was a child, my great-grandmother would tell me that she wanted some sugar, which meant that she wanted a hug and a kiss.

Over the past year, I’d tried to abjure literal sugar. Thus, I’ve been putting splenda into my tea. It wasn’t a hard habit to get into. In fact, it made sweetening iced tea easier, as splenda dissolves a lot easier than sugar.

Splenda isn’t always available, though, and so sometimes I had to have sugar. And then I started wondering why tea tasted strange.

Splenda has warped by sense of taste. Sugar doesn’t sweeten tea for me anymore.

Thus, I’m going back to sugar. For the past month, I’ve not had splenda. Tea has tasted awful, but I have faith that my taste buds with reacclimate.

Lift your glasses to nature. Long live sugar!

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